ICanLocalize Blog
By Irina Sozonova on April 13, 2018
We are pleased to inform you that our old Translation Assistant has evolved to a completely new Web Translation Assistant, or WebTA, as we will call it from now on. WebTA is the new web-based translation tool that lets you translate website translation projects directly from your web browser. What are the benefits of using […]
Posted in Announcements, New features, Tutorials | Tagged translation editor, Website Translation, webta
By Irina Sozonova on January 24, 2018
The word “blog” comes from “web log,” meaning “an online magazine with regularly added content.” Blogs serve as a powerful source of information that is distributed worldwide. Like any magazine, a blog requires regular and appealing content that can be “on everyone’s lips” or “at their fingertips.” Many businesses rely on blogs to be showcased […]
Posted in Thoughts, Translation facts
By Valentina on December 14, 2017
We are delighted to announce an important improvement in the ICanLocalize – WPML integration. These changes are available to all clients who have installed a WPML version higher than 3.1 and feature ICanLocalize updates to the user interface and functionality. If you already have a website project with translations in progress, you don’t need to […]
Posted in Tutorials | Tagged ICanLocalize improvements, Translation, website, WPML, WPML 3.9
By Valentina on November 3, 2017
You’ve finally finished creating your website and now have all the right content to reach your desired audience. Next, you’re thinking about translating the website to expand your business. If translation seems expensive and time consuming, you might find yourself wondering whether machine translation would be good enough. But can you really trust machine translation […]
Posted in Translation facts | Tagged google, machine translation, seo, Translation, website
By Irina Sozonova on September 15, 2017
Are you in love with the mystery of the night sky? Do you catch yourself staring at the starry heavens, trying to find familiar constellations or planets? If yes, the Star Walk 2—Night Sky Map by Vito Technology Inc. is just for you. With this app you will be able to impress your family and […]
Posted in Case Study, Translation facts | Tagged App Localization, star walk, vito technology
By Valentina on September 1, 2017
Any company dealing in travel and tourism needs to be global, and consequently multilingual. Multilingual services play an essential role in their success. It’s important to translate your services into as many languages as possible to appeal to travelers worldwide and earn their trust. But, how do we know which languages these travelers speak? First, […]
Posted in Translation facts | Tagged languages, tourism, Translation, Translation Languages, travel
By Irina Sozonova on July 31, 2017
When it comes to translation, people tend to think that 10 pages would be fully translated within a day. However, that can’t be true. How long does it really take to translate? After the cost and quality of the translation, the speed of translation is one of the most important factors when you are […]
Posted in Thoughts, Translation facts | Tagged capacity, deadline, time, Translation, translator, turnaround, words, words per day
By Valentina on June 30, 2017
Multilingual websites are a common practice among small businesses, especially if they wish to open up to new markets. The translation of your website content is fundamental, but it is just the first step. You have translated your website to reach the right audience; however, the geographic locations of your visitors matter more than what […]
Posted in Thoughts, Translation facts | Tagged geotargeting, google, Localization, plugins, seo, Translation, website, wordpress |
By Irina Sozonova on June 5, 2017
Elisa and Juan, a couple who work as translators at ICanLocalize, share their story on how they find a balance between work and a family with 5 kids. Juan joined ICanLocalize in 2008 when it started. Elisa joined later, in 2014, when she was pregnant with her first daughter, Victoria. Then they had Tanja, […]
Posted in Our translators, Thoughts | Tagged ICanLocalize, ICanLocalize Team, Life, Professional Translators, Translators
By Irina Sozonova on May 17, 2017
This tutorial teaches how to get a word count of your website’s content. If you need to translate text files, strings or a WordPress website with WPML, check out our tutorial “How to calculate the word count for translation“. Your website is an integral part of your business. Eventually, you will need to have your […]
Posted in Thoughts, Translation facts | Tagged find, number of words, page, software, tool, website, word count |