English to Hungarian translators

ICanLocalize lets you hire professional English to Hungarian translators. Our translators will help you translate documents, websites and mobile apps. We use advanced editing tools that allow us to work faster, deliver superior results and charge less.

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As a Professional Translator with 10+ years of translation & localization experience, with an MSc in Finance, in every field of life, I follow the same principle: always do your best. I strive for perfection: achieving the best possible quality in a timely manner.

Fields of expertise: software & website localization, mobile apps, business software, ERP systems, digital banking solutions, online games, ASO/SEO descriptions, online marketing contents, games, IT, finance and keyword localization

  1. English to Hungarian




Experience and devotion - these are my slogans as a translator. In the 15 years I have been working as a freelance translator I worked for the top clients of the industry on projects summing up several million words. If you need quality work and professional approach I am the person for the job.

  1. English to Hungarian




Native Hungarian translator, experienced in IT, mobile app (including iPhone and Android) and software localization as well as in website translation and keyword research.
Years of translation experience: 8. Registered translator at ICanLocalize since March 2011.
I am a resourceful problem-solver, passionate about this job, enjoying challenges, aim for precision and accuracy, can meet tight deadlines.
It is my policy not to reveal information about my clients and contacts.

  1. English to Hungarian
